About Me

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Many things (both good and less good) have happened in my life lately, so in November 2013 I decided to take a break from the "Corporate world" to sort out my life situation. One of many things that I decided to do was to learn more about cooking, because food has always been a passion of mine. From my native Vietnam to my home country Norway, my life journey has taken me to many beautiful countries such as Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Malaysia, where I truly got exposed to the food culture, which may reflect in my home-cooked dishes. With this site, I hope to inspire and encourage you to take a break (short, long, or very long - you decide) and do what you love doing but that you haven't set a date for. Just do it, make it happen :) Kort oppsummert: Norsk-Vietnameser i Paris pa jakt etter mening med livet...

Monday 10 February 2014

Fish soup a la Maison Emil

With the base mixture for stock and all the cut veggies from practice, MEP decided to make a fish soup. Since it was a Sunday, MEP paid the market in Bastille a visit. It was crowded and the market offered a good choice of fresh produce, ranging from local to imported produce. It's a big market, so will for sure revisit this market again.

Fish soup a la Maison Emil turned out yummy. Served with fresh ginger (thinly shredded) and parsley and hot baguette.

Sunday market near Bastille in Paris

  • Fish stock - see below
  • Butter, carrots, potatoes (sweet potatoes would give even more sweetness - but I used the cut veggies from my cutting practice) 
  • Leeks, shallot, paprika powder, fish sauce, coconut milk, pepper
  • Salmon filet (I used meat from the salmon head simmered in salt water with leeks, shallot and ginger)
  • Garnish: shredded ginger and parsley
Fish stock
For the fish stock, there is no need to buy super expensive fish cuts. Ask the sellers at the market for advice. MEP ended up with over 1 kilo of fish bones for the price of 2 euros :) And 1 euro for the salmon head - MEP likes the meat from the salmon cheeks :)

3 euros from the market 
Stock veggies from my chopping practice

Add the fish bones (except for the salmon head) and cold water in the pot.
Bring to a boil and reduce the heat
Remove impurities and let simmer
Add a bouquet garni (bay leaf, thym, parsley wrapped in green leek)Reduce the heat and simmer for 30 min.
Remove excess fat/impurities regularly (important to get a clear broth).
Add more cold water when required
Strain and discard the fish meat, bones & veggies
Strain again
Strain again et voila your fish stock. Keep it cold (inside an ice bucket) and when chilled, store in the fridge for immediate use, else freeze it. The stock will turn bad quickly due to the high protein content if kept at room temperature for many hours.

Happy cooking,

Maison Emil Paris - MEP

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