About Me

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Many things (both good and less good) have happened in my life lately, so in November 2013 I decided to take a break from the "Corporate world" to sort out my life situation. One of many things that I decided to do was to learn more about cooking, because food has always been a passion of mine. From my native Vietnam to my home country Norway, my life journey has taken me to many beautiful countries such as Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Malaysia, where I truly got exposed to the food culture, which may reflect in my home-cooked dishes. With this site, I hope to inspire and encourage you to take a break (short, long, or very long - you decide) and do what you love doing but that you haven't set a date for. Just do it, make it happen :) Kort oppsummert: Norsk-Vietnameser i Paris pa jakt etter mening med livet...

Friday 14 March 2014

Scallop coral sauce

Thanks to my Italian friend, Ivo Bonacorsi, for the inspiration to this simple, easy yet flavourful seafood dish without seafood. Grazie per l'inspirazione, Ivo :)

If you don't know what to do with the scallop coral, don't throw it away. Instead make this sauce and serve it with pasta or freeze it for later use. It makes very tasty sauce :) 
Add scallop sauce, herbs and fresh lemon juice 
Simple yet tasty
Squid ink pasta :)
Buono appetito,

Maison Emil Paris :)

Scallop sauce 
Approx 200 gr or 25 pieces of scallop coral
100 gr shallot - finely cut (I like leeks and had left over so I added it)
20 gr or 1 full tablespoon butter
1 dl or 100 gr white wine (I used dry rose wine as I ran out of dry white - importance is to have acidity)
2 dl or 200 gr stock (unsalted)
1,5 dl or 150 gr thick cream
Sieve or mesh
Sauce pot

1. Melt the butter but do not brown it (no coloration)
2. Add the shallot and cook until soft approx 5 min (no coloration)
3. Add the wine and cook until it's reduced to one third
4. Add the stock, cook and reduce to one third
5. Add the scallop coral and cook for 3-5 min
6. Blend and strain (season with white pepper and a bit of salt)
7. Keep very cold or freeze (add lemon juice when using this paste or sauce in cooking)
Sweat shallot in butter 
Add scallop when the liquid is reduced to one third 
Blend until smooth and strain for a smooth texture

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