About Me

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Many things (both good and less good) have happened in my life lately, so in November 2013 I decided to take a break from the "Corporate world" to sort out my life situation. One of many things that I decided to do was to learn more about cooking, because food has always been a passion of mine. From my native Vietnam to my home country Norway, my life journey has taken me to many beautiful countries such as Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Malaysia, where I truly got exposed to the food culture, which may reflect in my home-cooked dishes. With this site, I hope to inspire and encourage you to take a break (short, long, or very long - you decide) and do what you love doing but that you haven't set a date for. Just do it, make it happen :) Kort oppsummert: Norsk-Vietnameser i Paris pa jakt etter mening med livet...

Monday 27 October 2014

Home made dumpling sheets

home made dumpling wrappers
The first time I had some VERY GOOD dumplings was in Perth, Australia. A friend and a former colleague from Technip, Kym Wong, shared her home-made dumplings in the office, and I absolutely adored them. Thanks for sharing! I still remember the taste, Kimmy :)

A few observations I have made:
  • Dumpling wrappers/sheets = high gluten wheat flour, water
  • Wonton wrappers/sheets = flour, water and EGG 
  • Dumpling sheets are thicker than wonton sheets
frozen wrappers from the store
You can buy the wrappers or make your own wrappers. Obviously the latter is more time consuming, but doable in small quantity. In Paris we are lucky to find good dumpling wrappers, but in Norway they are harder to get. So the below wrapper recipe is dedicated to my friend, Trine Johannessen, in Norway, who's started on her dumpling journey :)

Ingredients (for about 25-30 dumpling wrappers depending how thick you roll them):

  • 1dl warm/hot but not boiling water (40-50c degrees)
  • 2 dl high gluten wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon non-olive oil 
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil (this gives the familiar dumpling smell & flavour) 
  • Mix everything quickly with a spatula & knead with your hands. Dough should be warm and soft. If using Thermomix, use the dough function and mix 1 min.
High gluten wheat flour for best result (for me)
  • Wrap and let rest for 30 min (in room temperature)
wrap and rest for 20-30 min

  • Divide the dough in 2. Cover the other half. Roll a long sausage and cut 15 pieces. Or just divide in 15 pieces by pulling without rolling.
divide in 15 pieces
  • Cover the pieces you are not rolling under a kitchen towel to keep them from drying
keep them under a kitchen towel
  • Roll small round balls. If they feel dry, just wet your fingers with water
roll in small balls
    Roll more for a thinner sheet
  • Use a rolling pin to roll thin round sheet (the thinner the better)
wrapper ready to stuff with your favourite filling
shrimp and prawn filling

  • Fill with your favourite stuffing and fold (or try my meaty filling recipe)
  • I used to do by hand, but found this plastic set (comes in 5 different sizes), which makes my life easier :)

    Good luck experimenting Trine!

    Like this recipe? Please donate to my Cycle4Girls Vietnam project

    Maison Emil Paris :)

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